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MULTNOMAH COUNTY FIRST. Multnomah County will swear in its first Asian-American commissioner, Lori Stegmann, on Tuesday, January 3. Stegmann will represent District 4 — which covers parts of east Portland, Gresham, Troutdale, and unincorporated east Multnomah County — in the five-member, all-women county board. (Photo courtesy of Lori Stegmann)

From The Asian Reporter, V27, #1 (January 2, 2017), page 11.

Lori Stegmann to become Multnomah County’s first Asian-American commissioner

Multnomah County will swear in its first Asian-American commissioner, Lori Stegmann, on Tuesday, January 3. Stegmann will represent District 4 — which covers parts of east Portland, Gresham, Troutdale, and unincorporated east Multnomah County — in the five-member, all-women county board. Stegmann will replace outgoing commissioner Diane McKeel.

"I’ll be the first Asian-American commissioner," said Stegmann, in a question-and-answer interview with The Oregonian on October 25, 2016. "That’s long, long, long overdue, but what’s more exciting is that we’ll have a majority-minority commission, and that is historical. It is very rare that you’ll find the makeup of a commission that really reflects the community they represent."

Adopted as an infant from Korea, Stegmann grew up in west Gresham’s Rockwood neighborhood. She put herself through college, graduating from Mt. Hood Community College with an associate degree and later earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Portland State University.

She has been a small business owner and insurance agent for more than 20 years, specializing in commercial insurance. She chose to live and locate her Farmers Insurance agency in the same neighborhood where she grew up.

Stegmann’s interest in public service stems from a desire to help make sure everyone has the same opportunities in life that she has had, such as a family, quality public education, affordable housing, and a shot at a good-paying job.

Lori was elected to the Gresham City Council in 2010, where she served for six years, including as president in 2014. Her duties as councillor involved committee assignments on the Public Safety Committee, Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce, Gresham Sister City Association, Youth Advisory Committee, and the Council Employee Performance Subcommittee.

Her previous public service included participating in the Gresham Planning Commission, Rockwood Stakeholders Group, and the Rockwood Light Rail Station Art Committee, as well as serving as vice chair of the Gresham Redevelopment Commission Advisory Committee and as a board member of the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, Stegmann co-founded the Rockwood Business Coalition and has served as its vice-chair. She has also chaired a number of Plaza del Sol Community events in Rockwood and her extensive community-service involvement includes positions with Soroptimist International of Gresham, as both District 2 secretary and president. Her volunteer activities earned her a Golden Note Award.

Lori currently is a member of Metro’s Powell Division Steering Committee and the Multnomah County Citizen Budget Advisory Committee, and she also serves on the board of the Oregon League of Minority Voters (OLMV).

Stegmann will be sworn in for her four-year term on Tuesday, January 3 at 10:00am in the boardroom of the Multnomah Building, located at 501 S.E. Hawthorne Boulevard in Portland. On Wednesday, January 4 at 5:30pm, commissioner Stegmann will perform her in-district swearing in at the Gresham Library, located at 385 N.W. Miller Avenue in Gresham, Oregon. To learn more, visit <>.

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