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INTERIM CHIEF. Chris Uehara was sworn in as interim chief of the Portland Police Bureau in late August. Uehara is the 47th chief of police in Portland Police Bureau history and the first of Asian/Pacific Islander descent. Uehara is serving as the interim chief of police until Danielle Outlaw is sworn in as chief of police this fall. (Photo courtesy of the Portland Police Bureau) From The Asian Reporter, V27, #18 (September 18, 2017), page 11. Chris Uehara sworn in as interim police chief Chris Uehara was sworn in as interim chief of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) in late August at City Hall by Gayla Jennings, community outreach and information assistant of the City Auditor’s Office. He is the 47th chief of police in Portland Police Bureau history and the first of Asian/Pacific Islander (API) descent. Uehara is serving as the interim chief of police until Danielle Outlaw is sworn in as chief of police this fall. "As we prepare for chief Danielle Outlaw, I will continue building on our relationships in the community, so that every Portlander knows the Portland Police Bureau exists to serve them with integrity, compassion, and respect," Uehara said. Uehara was born and raised in Hawai‘i and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in social work from Pacific University, Middle and Executive Management Certificates from Portland State University, and an Executive Certificate in Global Change from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. The new interim chief has served with PPB for 27 years and has worked his way through the ranks, reaching the position of sergeant in 1998, lieutenant in 2002, and captain in 2007. He was involved in the Youth Services Division and the Family Services Division as a captain, the Tactical Operations Division and North Precinct as a commander, and, most recently, as the assistant chief of operations, where he oversaw Central, East, and North Precincts along with the traffic and youth services divisions. Uehara has received more than 30 letters of commendation, including a Meritorious Medal for Valor, a Police Medal, and multiple Unit Commendation Medals. He was also honored with a Distinguished Service Medal for his extensive work creating and developing the bureau’s four-year mission in Bangladesh teaching community policing. In addition, Uehara was actively involved in developing the Z-Man Foundation and has been committed to youth programs, such as conducting the bureau’s summer camp. He currently serves as an Oregon Nikkei Endowment advisory board member. Uehara enjoys family time with his wife and children. He is an avid published photographer; enjoys fishing, vegetable gardening, and cooking Hawai‘ian-style cuisine; and trains area youth in football, wrestling, and the sport of powerlifting. Interim chief Uehara took over for chief Mike Marshman, who retired after 26 years of service at PPB and 28 years as a law-enforcement officer. To view Uehara’s swearing-in ceremony, visit <>. Read the current issue of The Asian Reporter in its